Generally Accepted and New Physical Constants of the Universe

There is the table below, containing data, which are used everywhere in this web site. We used data, recommended by: CODATA-2002, allascii.txt.

In the bottom sections I used some ideas, how to compute the Hubble constant, temperature of cosmic background radiation and so on. These quantities could be computed, using the values of the main physical constants. But the time goes and their values become more precise, or vise verse. You can open my Exel-file and try to change values, painted in red or green. They can be changed. The rest of values are computed according to formulae, hidden behind the table sells. The file is here. You can find there three methods of Newton gravity constant deduction.

Newtonian constant of gravitation G, m3/s2/kg 6.6742(10)E-11
Linear velocity of light c, m/s 299792458
Permeability of vacuum m0 = 4p10-7, H/m 1.25663706143592...
Permittivity of vacuum e0 = 1/(m0c2), F/m 8.85418781762039...E-12
Fine structure constant a = 1/137.03599911(46) 7.297352568(24)E-3
Rydberg constant Ryd, m-1 10973731.568525(73)
Electron charge e=sqr(2ae0hc), C 1.60217653(14)E-19
Planck constant h = e2/(2cae0), J s 6.6260693(11)E-34
Electron mass mel=2hRyd/(ca2), kg 9.1093826(16)E-31
Proton mass mpr, kg 1.67262171(29)E-27
Proton-electron mass ratio mpr/mel 1836.15267261(85)
Boltzmann constant k, J K-1 1.3806505(24)E-23
Stefan-Boltzmann constant s = 2p5k4/(15h3c2), Wm-2K-4 5.670400(40)E-08
Wien displacement law constant b = lmaxT, m K 2.8977685(51)E-3

The results in the bottom table were received with the help of the hypothesis about the universality of normalized units. Normalized Units are the new type of natural units, i.e., units independent of a humane. Normalized units can be received with the help of system of equations:

N2 = nmax/nmin= (mprc2/h) / H
N2 = ap(fel/fgr),

min - is the minimum stable frequency in the Universe, and in this work it is connected with the Hubble constant, which is also the frequency of light rotation around the whole Universe: nmin = H;
nmax - is the maximum stable frequency in the Universe. The most probably it is defined through the mass of proton: nmax=mprc2/h. Proton's Compton frequency can be regarded as the unique chronometer of the surrounding space-time. Free neutron is not a stable particle and the vacuum chronostructure destroys it. Quarks, the building bricks of the proton, don't live alone. They are "up" and "down" parts of a particle. Electron is the second unique chronometer of the space-time chronostructure. But its frequency is connected with proton frequency through ratio of masses and fine structure constant a.
fel/fgr - is the forces ratio for two electrons.

Strokes mean that the stroked value is written in normalized units.

I am grateful to Dr. Manfred Geilhaupt. Some of his ideas helped me to construct the Normalized Units and to build this table. His N and my N have something in common with Dirac's huge numbers.

Ratio fgr / fel for electrons; df = fgr/fel= 4pe0Gmel2/e2 2.40057(36)E-43
The quantum number, N, flash/rotation, !/rot N = sqr(ap(fel/fgr)e-e) 3.09030(23)E+20
Hubble constant H, or frequency of light rotation around the whole Universe H = mpc2/hN2 =
2mprmel2cG /h2/a2=
2.37565(35)E-18 rot/s
73.305(11) km/s/Mpc
Hubble constant Hbar, or angular velocity of light H = 2pH 2p2.37565(35)E-18 rad/s
Conventional age of Universe. Hubble time. The time, nedeed the light to make one rotation around the Universe. Tc = 1/H 4.20937(63)E+17 s/rot
13.3387(23) bln.years/rot
Actual age of Universe Ta infinity
Minims of concentration of the galaxies, maxims of exotics. Red shifts.

If on the pole there is a dust or gas then we'll see the same absorption lines in all objects behind that pole.

ta (i) = Tc(1 - e-i/2)
r = tc
v = Hr
z = ((1+v/c)/(1 - v/c))1/2-1
Maxims of galaxies concentration, minims of exotics.

Multiple images of one and the same galaxy, for example: z= 0.25; 1.44; 3. 24...;
From the opposite side of the sky we'll see several more "ghosts" of the same galaxy, but living in different time epoch: z= 0.79; 2.24; 4.50...

ta (i) = Tc(1 - e-i/2-1/4)
r = tc
v = Hr
z = ((1+v/c)/(1-v/c))1/2-1
Boundary frequency between photon and graviton n0=NH 734.147(55) !/s
Boundary wave-length l0=c/n0 4.08355(31)E+5 m/!
Boundary time t0=1/n0 1.36212(10)E-03 s/!
Big circumferences of Universe X = Y = Z = cT = 1.26194(19)E+26 m
Quantum of force in the gravity region f = hc/l02 =
mprHc =
mprc2/X =
1.19125(18)E-36 N rot
-- f = 2pf
[Compare: h=h/(2p)]
7.4848(11)E-36 N rad
Ratio of quantum of action h and quantum of force f h/f = l0/n0 = 556.230(83) s m
Normalized values of some constants.

Exact equality between values.

h' =
H' =
f ' =
1/N =
1/X' =
1/Y' =
1/Z' =
1/T' =
lpr' =
3.23594(24)E-21 !/rot
Normalized G' G' = Gt02mpr/l03 3.04171(68)E-60 !rot/pr
(conjecture: !rot/pr=1)
Logarithm of (1/G'),

Compare it with 1/a and 1/a+a.

Curvature radius of Universe, m r=c/(2pH) 2.00844(30)E+25
Volume of Universe, m3 VU=c3/(H34p) 1.59920(72)E+77
Non nuclear energy capacity of the Sun,
MS= 1.98844E+30 kg,
RS = 696100000 m,
PS=0.5844 MS4G3t0 /(c2RS5)
Energy capacity of the Sun as a stable star.
(Observable luminosity = 3.846(8)E+26 W)
L = GMS2H/(4l0)

In the bottom table we'll use the new hypothesis about the density of the Universe and CMB. Look the page CMB=+Dark Energy.

Density of Universe, kg/m3 r=3H2/(8pG)((8/3)a)1/2 1.40804(21)E-27
Mass of Universe, kg MU= rHVU 2.25174(68)E+50
Conventional number of hydrogen atoms in Universe NH= MU/mH 1.34550(40)E+77
The number of atoms per 1m3 nH= NH/VU 0.84136(12) m-3
Specific energy of CBR .
Specific energy of gravity field.
Negative gravity "pressure" on the surface, dividing the Universe on two halves.
Positive CMB pressure on the surface, dividing the Universe on two halves.
-ugr = uem =

- pgr = pem =

Effective temperature of radiation in order to resists gravity attraction. Teff =(-pgrc/4s )1/4, K
Tobs = 2.725 +/- 0.001K.
Ratio of energy density between matter and radiation rmc2 / u = 16p2 / (3a/8)1/2
Supposed ratio of proton-electron mass far from big masses. mpr/mel = 6(pg)5


Our predicted results for Hubble constant and for the temperature of CMB are:

H = 73.305 +/- 0.011 km/s/Mpc.

T = 2.72832 +/- 0.00010 K.

In the Big Bang theory there are no such constants as Hubble constant and the temperature of CMB. These quantities are changing in the expanding Universe. But in the static model H and TCMB are the main physical constants, describing the structure of our space-time.

If our idea about the normalized units is incorrect then we can take the observable value of the CMB temperature and compute the Hubble constant. In this case: T=2.725(1)K, H=73.13(6)km/s/Mpc.

Some other methods to receive the Hubble constant look the page: The Hubble Constant as the Angular Velocity of Light in the Closed Universe. You will find that the most reliable and precise value for the Hubble constant is:

H = 73.2+/-0.2 km/s/Mpc

To the index of Space Genetics

My Curriculum Vitae.

Ivan Gorelik.


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